Command descriptions, Changing settings through the serial port, Access command – Basler Electric BE1-79A User Manual

Page 36: Exit command, Command descriptions -2, Changing settings through the serial port -2

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BE1-79A Communication Commands

9310200990 Rev J

items. For example, the SP-79A1 command could be used to read the first reclose setting or the

command S could be used to read all reclose settings.

Command Descriptions

BE1-79A command descriptions and examples are provided in the following paragraphs.

Changing Settings through the Serial Port

The ACCESS command is used to access write privileges while changing relay settings. Relay control

functions are disabled when access is granted. Changing the settings through the serial port requires that

the operator use the ACCESS command to obtain programming access. The operator enters ACCESS=

and the relay responds with an acknowledgement of ACCESS GRANTED if the command was received

and executed. Any time an invalid command is received, the relay will respond with a question mark (?).
The EXIT command is used to release write privileges while changing relay settings. After the changes

are made, the new data will be copied to the working settings and saved to nonvolatile memory when

EXIT is entered. The operator must confirm that the programming is completed and accepted before the

changes are actually made. It is important to make all changes to relay settings before executing the EXIT

command. This ensures that all intended settings are executed. The relay will go to the lockout state after

the EXIT command is entered. If voltage is sensed at V1, the relay will return to the reset state after the

lockout timer expires.
Changing settings through the serial port consists of the following sequence:

1. Enter ACCESS=<CR> or A=<CR>.

2. Enter the necessary commands to change the current settings.

3. Enter EXIT<CR> or E<CR> to clear access and save settings.

4. Enter Y (yes)<CR> to confirm save. Enter N (no) to continue using the old settings.

The <CR> characters placed after commands represent a carriage return or pressing the Enter key. For

simplicity, they will no longer be shown. However, each line entered by the operator must be terminated

with a carriage return <CR> or a carriage return–line feed <CR–LF>.

ACCESS Command

Access Command


Read/set programming access in order to change user settings.


ACCESS[=] or A[=]

Access must be changed by entering ACCESS= before any changes to the settings can be made. Relay

protection functions are disabled when access is granted. The ACCESS command is valid for a period of

five minutes if no new characters are entered. ACCESS by itself may be used to check if programming

access is active or disabled. The relay will respond with ACCESS GRANTED or ACCESS: NO. The

available access privilege is Privilege S: Setting Access. When exiting programming access, the relay will

go to the lockout state after the EXIT command is entered. If voltage is sensed at V1, the relay will return

to the reset state after the lockout timer expires.

EXIT Command

Exit Command


Exit programming mode



Comments: Exits the programming mode and resets the programming access privilege to 0.
Changes are made to a scratchpad copy of the settings. After the changes are made, the new data will be

saved to nonvolatile memory and the new, working settings will be initialized when control to make

changes is released by entering the EXIT command. After entering EXIT, the user is prompted to confirm

that the new data should be saved. The user has three options (Y or N or C). If Y is entered, the data will

be saved. If N is entered, the changes will be cleared and the old settings will be restored. If C is entered,

the EXIT command will be aborted and programming may continue. It is important to make all changes to

relay parameters before executing the EXIT command. This ensures that all intended settings are

