Masonry firebox, Instructions

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Masonry Firebox

Do not store gasoline or other flammable vapors and

liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.


Report No.


Models MM33, MM39, MM44, MM49 and MM63

IF FIRePlaCe Is To Be InsTalled dIReCTlY on anY CoMBUsTIBle MaTeRIal, a MeTal Base

Is ReQUIRed.

saVe THIs BooK

This book is valuable. In addition to instructing you on how to install and maintain your appliance,

it also contains information that will enable you to obtain replacement parts or accessory items

when needed. Keep it with your other important papers.
This fireplace is approved for use as a wood burning fireplace or for use with a vented gas log approved

to ans Z21.60 or Z21.84 standards. It has not been tested or approved for unvented gas logs.
This wood burning fireplace complies with UL127 standard as a FACTORY BUILT APPLIANCE.

WaRnInG: Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause injury

or property damage. Refer to this manual for correct installation and operational procedures. For as-

sistance or additional information consult a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier.
InsTalleR: leave this manual with the appliance.

ConsUMeR: Retain this manual for future reference.

ICC Evaluation Services

Report No. 2401

This manual is related to the following products: