Pre-installation preparation – FMI MASONRY FIREBOX MM33 User Manual

Page 10

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aTTenTIon: You will note that there will be a gap

between the fireplace front and the extension of the

non-combustible hearth material. Be certain that

you seal this with non-combustible material.
These Grand Meridian Fireplaces have been

designed with clearance to combustible floors as

indicated in Page 8. Cover any part of the combustible

floor system left exposed with 1” (one inch) thick

ceramic fiber insulation rated up to 2,100° F.

aTTenTIon: It is critical to abide by the clearances

listed in this manual for all components specified as it

allows for movement of hot air from the fireplace into

interior areas of the chimney chase. Also, be certain

that the chimney system be installed as stated below.

Prior to starting the installation, check with local, re-

gional or state codes for any restrictions or required

permits regarding your fireplace installation.
NOTE: It is required that ember protector strips must

be laid on the fiber of the non-combustible raised plat-

form (see Figure 10). These are included with the

Metal Base accessory.

WaRnInG: Hearth extension is to be installed

only as shown in Figure 10.

Seal Gap

Fireplace Front

Fireplace Front

Raised Hearth

Fireplace Front


Ember Protector

Seal Gap

Ember Protector

Ember Protector

ManTel and ManTel sHelF CleaRanCes

As with any radiant heat fireplace, the Grand Merid-

ian fireplaces must comply with building code safety

clearances, per units that have openings of 6 sq. ft.

or greater. For Mantel clearances see Figure 5, page

7. Walls that Adjoin – Safety codes and all practical

outlooks insist that your fireplace cannot be installed

closer than 2 ft. to any walls in the room the fireplace

is housed in or to any walls of adjoining rooms.
Caution in Regards to Combustibles – If any part of

the fireplace or objects in the room (curtains, rugs,

paint, cushions, etc.) start to show warping or dis-

coloration due to heat from the fireplace, it is time to

take immediate action. Do not use the fireplace until

you have figured out how to address the problem.

You are facing a potential fire hazard. FMI PROD-

UCTS, LLC cannot be responsible for the make-up

of material on the exterior of the fireplace you have

chosen, nor can FMI PRODUCTS, LLC be held re-

sponsible for the materials in a room that may be

responding negatively to heat. However, in almost all

cases, there is a solution to the problem, either by

making adjustments to airflow or the modifications to

the room itself.

HeaRTH exTensIon

Where the flooring material at the opening of the

fireplace is combustible, it is required that the

hearth extension be covered with a non-combustible

material. All hearth extensions must be made of code-

rated, non-combustible materials such as tile, brick,

marble, concrete or stone. The extension should be

set flush against the front of the fireplace front and

measure 20" minimum at the front and 12" minimum

beyond the sides of the fireplace opening as shown in

Figures 8 and 9 (page 9). These relative dimensions

are also covered by code.
If a raised hearth extension is being installed, it must

be constructed of non-combustible material and

any material under the structure must also be non-

If using a raised hearth or metal base plate, note that

a combustible wood header must be no closer than

2" to the top of the dome (see Figure 6, page 8).

pre-installation preparation


Figure 10 - Hearth Extension







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