Customizing the modem configuration files – IBM 6C4 User Manual

Page 204

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Customizing the Modem Configuration Files

You can create your own modem configuration files or modify the samples provided.
After you customize your modem configuration files, you


access them through the

Configure Remote Maintenance Policy Service Aid rather than from the service
processor menus.

Note: If you have already set up your serial ports, line speeds, authorizations, and

telephone numbers from the service processor menus, use the service aid to
specify your customized modem configuration files.

If you have not already set up your serial ports, line speeds, authorizations, and
telephone numbers from the service processor menus, use the service aids to
set them while you specify your customized modem configuration files.

To disable Auto-Reliable Mode testing of the remote modem, use the sample modem
configuration file /usr/share/modems/modem_f.cfg as a model that you can modify, as
1. Find the necessary command in your modem manual.
2. Copy the /usr/share/modems/modem_f.cfg file to a new file with a different name

(for example, modem_fx.cfg).

3. In the new file (modem_fx.cfg), change the line

Send "ATE0T\r"




where ccc is the added command as specified in your modem

manual, as follows:

Change the third line of each of the following stanzas:

v condout
v condin
v ripo

4. Save the changes.


pSeries 630 Model 6C4 and Model 6E4 User’s Guide
