NISSAN CVT SIC0697 User Manual

Page 70

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¼ If the brake fluid level is below the

MINmark on the brake fluid reser-
voir, do not drive until the brake sys-
tem has been checked at a NISSAN

2. If the brake fluid level is correct, have the

warning system checked by a NISSAN

dealer. Avoid high speed driving and abrupt

If both the brake warning light and the anti-

lock brake warning light come on simulta-

neously, it may indicate the anti-lock brake

system is not functioning properly. See “Anti-

lock brake warning light” earlier in this sec-


Charge warning light

If the light comes on while the engine is running,

it may indicate that the charging system is not

functioning properly. Turn the engine off and

check the alternator belt. If the belt is loose,

broken, missing or if the light remains on, see

your NISSAN dealer immediately.


Do not continue driving if the belt is
loose, broken or missing.

Door open warning light

This light comes on when any of the doors are

not closed securely while the ignition key is ON.

Engine oil pressure warning


This light warns of low engine oil pressure. If the

light blinks or comes on during normal driving,

pull off the road in a safe area, stop the engine

immediately and call a NISSAN dealer or other

authorized repair shop.
The oil pressure warning light is not de-

signed to indicate a low oil level. Use the

dipstick to check the oil level. See “Engine

oil” in the “8. Maintenance and do-it-yourself”



Running the engine with the oil pres-
sure warning light on could cause seri-

ous damage to the engine almost imme-
diately. Turn off the engine as soon as it
is safe to do so.

Low fuel warning light

This light comes on when the fuel in the tank is

getting low. Refuel as soon as it is convenient,

preferably before the fuel gauge reaches E.
There will be a small reserve of fuel re-
maining in the tank when the fuel gauge
needle reaches E.

Low washer fluid warning light

This light comes on when the washer tank fluid is

at a low level. Add washer fluid as necessary.

See “Window washer fluid” in the “8. Mainte-

nance and do-it-yourself” section.

Seat belt warning light and


The light and chime remind you to fasten seat

belts. The light illuminates whenever the ignition

key is turned to ON, and will remain illuminated

until the driver’s seat belt is fastened. At the

same time, the chime will sound for about 6

seconds unless the driver’s seat belt is securely


Instruments and controls


