5 drive-side scsi parameters, 1 scsi motor spin-up – Asus PCI-DA2200 User Manual

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ASUS PCI-DA2200 User’s Manual


Changing the setting to “Optimization for Sequential I/O” or

“Optimization for Random I/O” should be performed only when no logical

drive exist. Otherwise, you will not be able to access the data in the logical

drive later on.

3.5 Drive-Side SCSI Parameters

3.5.1 SCSI Motor Spin-up

When the power supply is unable to provide sufficient current for all
the hard drives and controllers that are powered-up at the same time,
spinning-up the hard drives

serially is one of the best way of

consuming lower power-up current.

By default, all hard drives will spin-up when powered-on. These
hard drives can be configured so that all of them will not spin-up at
power-on. There are 3 methods of spinning-up the hard drive’s
motor: Spin-up at power-on, Spin-up serially in random sequence or
Spin-up by SCSI command. Please refer to the hard drive’s user’s
manual for instructions on configuring the hard drive using the
“Spin-up by SCSI command”. The procedure for each brand/model
of hard drive should vary.

Configure all the hard drives as above and enable “SCSI Motor Spin-
Up” in Drive-Side SCSI Parameters. Power off all hard drives and
controller, and power them on again. All the hard drives will not
spin-up at this time. The controller will then spin-up the hard drives
one by one at four seconds interval.
