5 ide channel 0 master/slave, Type [auto, Multi-sector transfers [disabled – Asus RS260-E4/RX8 User Manual

Page 99: Lba mode control [disabled, Bit i/o [disabled

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IDE Channel 0 Master/Slave

PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility


Item Specific Help

Auto = Autotyping

None = Disabling drive

ATAPI Removable = ATAPI

media (e.g., LS120,

USB Floppy, USB Zip)

CD-ROM = CD-ROM drive

IDE Removable = IDE

removable media (e.g.,

IDE Zip drive)

Other ATAPI = Other

ATAPI media

User = You supply the

hard disk drive type

IDE Channel 0 Master




Multi-Sector Transfers


LBA Mode Control


32-Bit I/O


Transfer Mode


Ultra DMA Mode


Type [Auto]

Selects the type of IDE drive. Setting to Auto allows automatic selection of the

appropriate IDE device type. Select [CD-ROM] if you are specifically configuring a

CD-ROM drive. Select [ATAPI Removable] if your device is either a ZIP, or LS-120

drive. Select [User] to manually enter the parameters of the device.

Configuration options: [Auto] [User] [Other ATAPI] [IDE Removable] [CD-ROM]

[ATAPI Removable] [None]

• Except for 32-Bit I/O item, the following items become user-configurable

when the Type item is not set to [Auto].

• Suggest you to keep the default setting of this item [Auto].
• For items that have no sub-menu, you have to use -/+ to change the values.

Multi-Sector Transfers [Disabled]

Enables or disables data multi-sectors transfers. When set to 2~16 Sectors, the

data transfer from and to the device occurs multiple sectors at a time if the device

supports multi-sector transfer feature. When set to [Disabled], the data transfer

from and to the device occurs one sector at a time.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [2 Sectors] [4 Sectors] [8 Sectors] [16 Sectors]

LBA Mode Control [Disabled]

Enables or disables the LBA mode. Setting to Enabled enables the LBA mode if the

device supports this mode, and if the device was not previously formatted with LBA

mode disabled. Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

32-Bit I/O [Disabled]

Enables or disables 32-bit data transfer.

Configuration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]

F1:Help ↑↓ : Select Item -/+: Change Value

F5: Setup Defaults

ESC: Exit →← : Select Menu Enter: Select SubMenu F10: Save and Exit
