HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software User Manual

Page 233

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# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmmkinitrd

KAPL12329-I The utility for supporting the boot disk started.

KAPL12344-I A compressed initial ramdisk image /boot/

initrd- was created.

KAPL12330-I The utility for supporting the boot disk




Back up the /etc/fstab file.



Edit the /etc/fstab file.
Change the /boot mount point that you changed in step 8 from the SCSI

device to the HDLM device. Comment out the existing SCSI device

specification by placing a hash mark (#) at the beginning of each line, and

then add the HDLM device specification as shown below, based on the

correspondence between the HDLM device and the SCSI device as

checked in step 11.



#LABEL=/boot /boot ext3 defaults 1 2

#/dev/sda1 /boot ext3 defaults 1 2

/dev/sddlmaa1 /boot ext3 defaults 1 2



This example assumes that IA32 uses GRUB as the boot loader. When you

use IPF that uses ELILO as the boot loader, the mount point is displayed

as /boot/efi instead of /boot in the line where /boot is coded, and the

file system type is displayed as vfat instead of ext3.



Edit the boot loader configuration file so that the OS will start with HDLM

Edit the boot loader configuration file as shown in

Figure 3-12 Example of

Editing /etc/grub.conf file on page 3-162


Figure 3-13 Example of

Editing /boot/grub/menu.lst file (When using a kernel that supports Xen)

on page 3-162

, and

Figure 3-14 Example of Editing /etc/elilo.conf file on

page 3-163


If you are using SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server, check the /boot/grub/
menu.lst file instead of the /etc/grub.conf file.
Examples of editing the configuration file are shown below. See the

example for the boot loader you are using.
The detailed procedure is explained in steps 17 to 22.

Creating an HDLM Environment


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager User Guide for Linux


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