MagTek InSpec 9000-2005 User Manual

Page 41

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Section 4. Data Presentations


The number of leading and trailing zero bits are added to the list. Although there is no
specification on how many zeros there should be, this information can be helpful in determining
the reason for some cards not reading well.

If a start sentinel or end sentinel could not found, a message will be added to the list. No
message is added if both are found.

‘One bit in leading zeros’, ‘data after end sentinel’, and ‘first one bit too close to leading edge’
are all problem that can be found in the leading and trailing zeros. These problems may affect
reading in only one direction.

‘Added pulse detected’ is displayed when there are indications that there may be a problem with
background noise. The InSpec 9000 is NOT a media tester and can not accurately test
background noise. If this problem is consistently displayed, the cards should be tested using the
proper equipment. There are several independent labs that can do this type of testing. Magtek
Inc. does not do this kind of testing.

The binary data displays the encoded data as it is encoded on the card, as 1s and 0s. All three
tracks are listed, if they are present on the card. Use the scroll bar the view the entire binary data.
