AMD Geode SC1201 User Manual

Page 238

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AMD Geode™ SC1200/SC1201 Processor Data Book

Core Logic Module - SMI Status and ACPI Registers - Function 1



SMI Source is a VGA Timer Event. Indicates whether or not an SMI was caused by the expiration of the VGA Timer (F0
Index 8Eh).

0: No.

1: Yes.

To enable SMI generation, set F0 Index 83h[3] to 1.


SMI Source is Video Retrace. Indicates whether or not an SMI was caused by a video retrace event as decoded from the
internal serial connection (PSERIAL register, bit 7) from the GX1 module.

0: No.

1: Yes.

To enable SMI generation, set F0 Index 83h[2] to 1.


Reserved. Reads as 0.


SMI Source is LPC. Indicates whether or not an SMI was caused by the LPC interface.

0: No.

1: Yes.

The next level (second level) of SMI status is at F0BAR1+I/O Offset 1Ch[6:5].


SMI Source is ACPI. Indicates whether or not an SMI was caused by an access (read or write) to one of the ACPI registers

0: No.

1: Yes.

The next level (second level) of SMI status is at F1BAR0+I/O Offset 20h.


SMI Source is Audio Subsystem. Indicates whether or not an SMI was caused by the audio subsystem.

0: No.

1: Yes.

The next level (second level) of SMI status is at F3BAR0+Memory Offset 10h/12h.


SMI Source is Power Management Event. Indicates whether or not an SMI was caused by one of the power management
resources (except for GP timers, UDEFx and PCI/ISA function traps that are reported in bit 9).

0: No.

1: Yes.

The next level (second level) of SMI status is at F0 Index 84h-F4h/87h-F7h.

Offset 02h-03h

Top Level PME/SMI Status Register (RO/RC)

Reset Value: 0000h


Reading this register clears all the SMI status bits except for the “read only” bits, because they have a second level of status
reporting. Clearing the second level status bits also clears the top level (except for GPIOs).

GPIO SMIs have third level of SMI status reporting at F0BAR0+I/O Offset 0Ch/1Ch. Clearing the third level GPIO status bits
also clears the second and top levels.

A read-only “Mirror” version of this register exists at F1BAR0+I/O Offset 00h. If the value of the register must be read without
clearing the SMI source (and consequently de-asserting SMI), F1BAR0+I/O Offset 00h can be read instead.


Suspend Modulation Enable Mirror. (Read to Clear)

This bit mirrors the Suspend Mode Configuration bit (F0 Index 96h[0]). It is used by the SMI handler to determine if the SMI
Speedup Disable Register (F1BAR0+I/O Offset 08h) must be cleared on exit.


SMI Source is USB. (Read to Clear) Indicates whether or not an SMI was caused by USB activity.

0: No.

1: Yes.

To enable SMI generation, set F5BAR0+I/O Offset 00h[20:19] to 11.


SMI Source is Warm Reset Command. (Read to Clear) Indicates whether or not an SMI was caused by Warm Reset

0: No.

1: Yes.

Table 6-33. F1BAR0+I/O Offset: SMI Status Registers (Continued)



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