Integral (i) gain, Integral (i) gain 25 – MTS Series 793 User Manual

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About Tuning

MTS Series 793 Tuning and Calibration



Integral (I) Gain

Integral gain generates increased gain over longer time spans (including steady
state). Integral gain is sometimes called Reset gain.

To return to the car analogy: The race is over. You’ve won and the trip home is an
easy one. You’re driving on a straight highway so you are not being as attentive
as when you were racing.

The car drifts off of its desired path. The problem is that this happens so slowly
that you don’t realize it. You need something to boost your attention.

That’s what integral gain is, or why it is sometimes called Reset Integration. It is
the integral of the error signal, that is, it is essentially the error signal multiplied
by time. This means that even a small error signal eventually will become

More about Integral

gain (I)

Integral gain introduces “an integral of the error signal” that gradually, over time,
boosts the low-frequency response of the servovalve command.

Intergral (Reset) gain looks at the error
side of the summing junction. It is the
integral of the error, indicating the size
of the error over time.

An error signal made
unstable by too much
integral gain.

An error signal that is
stabilized by correct gain.

dc stability

too much integral gain



