MTS TW Elite User Manual

Page 64

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Error Indicator and Help for the Data Acquisition Activity

Skipping command segments or stopping a test prematurely

When you run a test, the Test-Run Display shows the progress of the test on a chart (such as the
Array-Variable chart used in the sample test). While developing a test, it may not be practical to allow the
entire command to play out while iterating between modifying and running a test.

To speed up iterations, you can use the Wait for Operator Action activity. Place a Wait for Operator
activity in a parallel path with the command activity. When you run the test and the command
activity is executing, a button appears on the Test-Run Display that allows you to skip to the next activity.

Wait for Operator Activity in Parallel with a Command Activity

Another option is to add the End Test activity which forces the test run to end before completing all stages
of the activity. When the test procedure reaches the End Test activity, workflow activities that follow and
are parallel to the End Test activity do not execute, and the procedure immediately proceeds to the end
of the test. A message is written to the test run log indicating that the test run was stopped due to the End

64 | MTS TestSuite

Design Guidelines
