OmniSistem Q Scan User Manual

Page 10

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At any given moment, only a bright laser dot is actually projected. The apparent continuity or lines drawn are
due to persistence of vision. The darker the viewing area, the wider the pupils of your eyes can become
thus allowing more light to enter and increasing your persistence of vision.

Laser light, by nature, can imprint your eyes better than ordinary light allowing a much more vivid display.
A bright viewing area and/or slow moving laser beam will cause a flickering image to be perceived.

The Q-Scan has 4 basic operations:

1. First are patterns generated using math. You control the math function using one of the first 8 mode

buttons and the math variables using the 6 faders.

2. Second are graphical generators where faders may affect display speed or sound sensitivity.
3. Third is text generation that converts text to graphical output using an internal font embedded within

the display unit.

4. Fourth are animations and still pictures using vector graphics.

The user interface can be DMX-512 or this PC interface that uses RS232. This PC Interface allows full use
of all available features and the ability to custom design your own graphics.

The DMX-512 interface allows access to most display features and a simple text editor.
Custom Text and Graphics are uploaded to the Laser Unit from this program using the XFER commands.
The Laser Unit can store 8 text lines up to 80 characters each and 8 Custom graphics with up to 44 points

DMX-512 is a standard used in the lighting industry to control stage lighting and other stage effects.

This PC program doesn't do any actual math, it is only used to plug numbers into the Laser Units memory
and to provide some simple controls.

The main advantage of this program is the custom graphics editor and rapid access to an almost unlimited
number of presets stored on your hard drive.

First, make sure the com port (Page 4) is set and communications validated.

Make certain Beam 10 is projecting on your Q-Beam or the appropriate beam that the Q-Scan is mounted
onto on another type of Beam Rail Projector.

Click on PAGE 1

Click on


Click on


Click on


If Laser Unit has warmed up for 30 seconds then you should see a laser circle. If you do not refer to section
in manual titled Alignment of Q-Scan to Beam Port.

Math modes are *NOT* visible if faders 5 or 6 (Chop Freq & Chop Duty) are zero.
