OmniSistem Q Scan User Manual

Page 11

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Note: Clicking any Brown Mode button automatically sends the ON and SYNC command.

(0) DMX Digital Value DMX Controller Fader 1
Generates patterns based on the circle.

A circle is created when 2 waves (sine) of identical height (amplitude) and speed (frequency) are mixed with
one of them given a 25% head start.
One wave is used to control left/right (X-axis) and the other wave is used for up/down (Y-axis).

The 1st fader controls the resulting circle's overall size.
The 2nd fader controls the speed of the first wave (X-frequency).
The 3rd fader controls the speed of the second wave (Y-frequency).
The 4th fader controls the head start percentage of the first wave (Phase).
The 5th fader controls the laser On/Off speed (Chop Frequency).
The 6th fader controls the laser On versus Off percentage (Chop Duty).
