Terminal type, Bits per second, Data bits – ADLINK aTCA-6200A User Manual

Page 62: Parity, Stop bits, Flow control

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Console Redirection settings (COM1/2/3)

When console redirection is set to enable, the below screen will be needed to set properly
for communicating with other computer that is using terminal software to receive the
message from aTCA-6200.

Terminal Type

Select the terminal type: ANSI: Extended ASCII char set. VT100: ASCII char set. VT100+:
Extends VT100 to support color, function keys, etc. VT-UTF8: Uses UTF8 encoding to map
Unicode chars onto 1 or more bytes.".

Bits per second

Select the bits per second that you want serial port to use for console redirection.

Data Bits

This option allows to select the data bits you want the serial port to use for console


Set this option to select Parity for console redirection.

Stop Bits

Stop bits indicate the end of a serial data packet. (A start bit indicates the beginning). The
standard setting is 1 stop bit. Communication with slow devices may requires more than 1
stop bit.

Flow Control

Set this option to select Flow control for console redirection.
