Isid, Enable dhcp, Target name – ADLINK aTCA-6200A User Manual

Page 68: Authentication type, Save changes

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This value is derived from MAC address, you can update it by input the last 3 bytes.

Enable DHCP

You can use this option to enable or disable DHCP in Initiator, if you disable it, then the IP
address and other parameters should be setting properly.

Target Name

You can use this option to set iSCSI target name. Only iqn. format is accepted, this
parameter should be the same with iSCSI target/server settings.

Authentication Type

You can use this option to choose authentication method, this parameter should be the
same with iSCSI target/server settings.

Save Changes

After parameters are set, you can save changes. Note: If you go to other pages without “save
changes” in here, the parameters will not be saved.
