Belshaw Adamatic INSIDER Ventless Donut System User Manual

Page 47

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Belshaw Bros., Inc.

• • Phone 206-322-5474 • Fax 206-322-5425

Insider TS



If there is primary power to the power supply and
the secondary output voltage is absent or very
low, the power supply is defective. Drawing an
arc, with an insulated handle screwdriver
between common ground and the high voltage
output terminal (c) can make a simple check. A
good power supply will produce a pronounced
arc where a defective one will produce no arc at
all or a very weak one.
(Refer to illustration “N” Trouble shooting
Trion-power supply).
Power Supply Check (with DC high volt

Take reading with the high voltage meter at cell
contact point. Voltage should read 7 kilovolts or
higher (without cell connected). If voltage is
above 7 kilovolts, the problem is in the cell (see
cell checkout procedure). If voltage is below 7
kilovolts (without cell connected), the problem is
in the power supply.
Proceed as follows:
Remove power pack from the unit.
Check for loose wires; if loose wire found,
If defective power supply is indicated, replace.
