Teac MMR-8 v2.0 User Manual

Page 18

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Tascam MMR-8/MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Version 2.0 Update


CANTCREATEINNONDIR -499 try to create a file in someplace that is

not a folder

Error Name

Error #



BADFILEORFOLDERNAME -500 Illegal file or folder name
MACDELFOLDERNOTEMPTY -501 try to del nonempty folder
NAMETOOLONG -502 bad name - too long
MOVENOTFOLDER -503 movefolder on nonfolder
MOVENOTHDREC -504 movefolder couldn't find thread record
MOVECANTMODIFYTHDREC -505 movefolder couldn't modify thread record
MOVECANTDELFOLDREC -506 movefolder couldn't del old folder record
MOVECANTPUTNEWFOLDREC -507 movefolder couldn't put new folder record
MOVECANTDELFILEREC -509 movefile couldn't del file rec
MOVECANTPUTNEWFILEREC -510 movefile couldn't put new file rec
MOVENOTFILE -511 movefile on non file
MOVEWOULDOVERWRITE -512 move would overwrite something
MOVENOTFILEORFOLDER -513 move on nonfile/nonfolder
TOOMANYOPENFILES -514 open failed because catrectable is full
MOVEPARENTINTOCHILD -515 Try to move parent folder into child folder


MOVEINTERNALERROR -516 Move encountered internal error
MOVEFAILDURINGFAIL -517 Move failed, then failed during rollback –


CANTFINDTHDREC -518 Couldn't find a thread record
MGROWDOESNTTRUNC -519 Trying to truncate using mgrowfile
MGROWNOTENOUGHSPACE -520 mgrowfile could not find enough space to

grow to desired size

MGROWCANTFINDLASTER -521 mgrow could not find last extent record of

the file

MGROWCANTWRITELASTER -522 mgrow couldn't write the last extent record

of a file

MGROWGREWTOWRONGSIZE -523 mgrowfile internal error file grew to

incorrect size

FILEISGONE -524 This means that you are trying to read,

write, or close an open file which someone
deleted/moved out from under you.

CANTUPDATEDIR -525 Could not update directory times and


BADPATH -526 was given a bad path
CANONLYOPENFILES -527 Try to macopen a non-file
TRUNCTONONZEROSIZE -528 Tried to truncate to nonzero size
CANONLYTRUNCFILES -529 Tried to truncate a nonfile
CANTOVERWRITEDIR -530 Tried to overwrite a folder
CREATEFOLDWOULDOVERWRITE -531 Creating the folder would overwrite an

existing item

MACREADCANTREAD -550 macreadblocks failed in mread
FILEISNOTOPEN -551 Tried to close nonopen file
INVALIDMFILE -552 The MFILE you passed is garbage
CANTSETNONFILEFINDERINFO -553 We only do files right now...
CANTGETNONFILEFINDERINFO -554 We only do files right now...

Only create files with absolute path

FILEISINUSE -556 Cannot delete open files

Partition Errors

Error Name

Error #



PARTOUTOFMEM -600 Ran out of memory

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