Graphics commands, Set absolute starting position, Set bit image mode – M-S Cash Drawer 7193 User Manual

Page 82

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7193 Owner’s Guide


May 1996

Graphics Commands

These commands are used to enter and print graphics data and are described in
order of their Hex codes:

Set Absolute Starting Position

Sets the print starting position for graphics at the specified number of dots from
the beginning of the line as expressed in the following formula: n = ((n1 + (256 x
n2)) x 2). The resulting dot column must be less than 448. The print starting
position is reset to column one after each line.

This command emulates the Epson LQ-950™ dot matrix printer. This allows the
7193 to accept graphics that are normally output from word processing programs
to a half-dot matrix printer.




1B 24 n1 n2

27 36 n1 n2

ESC $ n1 n2

n = Number of half dots to be moved from the beginning of the line


The 7193 converts two half-dots to one full dot

n1 = Remainder after dividing n by 256

n2 = Integer after dividing n by 256

Set Bit Image Mode

Sets the print resolution and enters one line of graphics data into the print buffer.
Any print command is required to print the data, after which the printer returns
to normal processing mode. See the illustrations for graphic representations of
the bit image.




1B 2A m n1 n2 d1 ... dn

27 42 m n1 n2 d1 ... dn

ESC * m n1 n2 d1 ... dn
