Advanced terminal customization, Emulation font upload, Appendix c - advanced terminal customization – Nlynx OMNITERM WBT 2.1.0E User Manual

Page 125: C.1 - emulation font upload

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Advanced Terminal Customization


Appendix C - Advanced Terminal

C.1 - Emulation Font Upload

The OmniTerm terminal emulation program (TermPro) comes with a default
font which supports all languages the terminal is designed to support. This
font may not be desirable to some users. To address this issue, a feature was
added to allow the Administrator to install fonts onto the terminal for use with
the local emulation program.

Many fonts are available for free download or purchase on the Internet and
other medium.

Additional fonts are available from multiple sources on the Internet.
One site which has a number of fonts available is



Please check the NLynx technical support web site

) as more fonts become available and tested.

Important Note: THE ONLY FONTS SUPPORTED are fonts with
“Monospace” and “Truetype” attributes.

You are responsible to ensure the font you select has the necessary

language support for your locale and that you have the legal right to use the
font. Most available fonts support US English.

Font Install Prerequisites

Minimum version requirements: ver. E5404

True Type, Mono Space font file with TTF extension

NLynx SNMPadm Management software (version 1.83.7 or above)

installed on a PC or server

FTP server on your network

TTF file installed on your FTP server

DHCP options 206 – 209 served (optional)

206 FTP Server: The IP address or Name of the FTP server.
207 FTP Path: Path name (e.g. /font) containing the TTF file
208 FTP User Name: User sign on name (if required)
209 FTP Password: Sign on password (if required)
