Song job – Yamaha MOTIF XS7 EN User Manual

Page 195

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MOTIF XS Owner’s Manual



oice mode

Song mode


attern mode

Mixing mode

Master mode

Utility mode

File mode






mode 1


mode 2



Song Job

The Song Job mode contains a comprehensive set of editing tools and data transform functions you can use to change the
sound of the Song. It also includes a variety of convenient operations, such as copying or erasing data. 30 Jobs are



[F1] Undo/Redo

Undo job cancels the changes made by the most recent operation, restoring the data to its previous state.
Redo job cancel Undo and restores the changes.

[F2] Note

Note data Jobs

01: Quantize

Quantization is the process of adjusting the timing of note events by moving them closer to the nearest
exact beat. You can use this feature, for example, to improve the timing of a performance recorded in real

02: Modify Velocity

This Job alters the velocity values of the specified range of notes, letting you selectively boost or cut the
volume of those notes.

03: Modify Gate Time

This Job alters the gate times of the specified range of notes.

04: Crescendo

This Job lets you create a crescendo or decrescendo over the specified range of notes. (Crescendo is a
gradual increase in volume, and decrescendo is a gradual decrease.)

05: Transpose

This Job changes the pitch of the notes in semitones.

06: Glide

This Job replaces all notes following the first note in the specified range with pitch bend data, producing
smooth glides from note to note.

07: Create Roll

This Job creates a series of repeated notes (like a drum roll) in the specified range with the specified
continuous changes in clock step and velocity. This is ideal for creating fast staccato rolls and special
stuttering effects.

08: Sort Chord

This job sorts chord events (simultaneous note events) by order of pitch.

09: Separate Chord

This Job slightly separates notes in chords within the specified range, inserting a specified number of
clocks between each note. Use this Job after the Chord Sort Job above, to create guitar-like upstroke or
downstroke effects.

[F3] Event

Event Jobs

01: Shift Clock

This Job shifts all data events in the specified range forward or backward by the specified number of

02: Copy Event

This Job copies all data from a specified source range to a specified destination location.

03: Erase Event

This Job clears all specified events from the specified range, effectively producing a segment of silence.

04: Extract Event

This Job moves all instances of specified event data from a specified range of a track to the same range in
a different track.

05: Create Continuous Data

This Job creates continuous pitch bend or control change data over the specified range.

06: Thin Out

This Job thins out the specified type of continuous data in the specified range—allowing you to free up
memory space for other data or further recording.

07: Modify Control Data

This Job lets you change the values of specified data such as Pitch Bend and Control Change in the
specified range.

08: Beat Stretch

This Job performs time-expansion or compression over the selected range.

[F4] Measure

Measure Jobs

01: Create Measure

This Job creates empty measures at the specified location in all tracks.

02: Delete Measure

This Job deletes the specified measures.

[F5] Track

Track Jobs

01: Copy Track

This Job copies all data of the selected type from a specified source track to a specified destination track.

02: Exchange Track

This Job exchanges or “swaps” the specified type of data between two specified tracks in the current

03: Mix Track

This job mixes all data from two selected tracks.

04: Clear Track

This Job deletes all data of the selected type from the selected track.

05: Normalize Play Effect

This job rewrites the data in the selected track so that it incorporates the current Play FX/Groove/MIDI Delay

06: Divide Drum Track

This Job separates the note events in a drum performance assigned to a specified track, and places the
notes corresponding to different drum instruments in separate tracks (tracks 1 through 8).

07: Put Track to Arpeggio

This Job copies data in the specified measures of a track for creating Arpeggio data.

08: Copy Phrase

This Job copies the Phrase (created in the Pattern mode) to a specified track of the current Song.

[F6] Song

Song Jobs

01: Copy Song

This Job copies all data from a selected source Song to a selected destination Song.

02: Split Song to Pattern

This Job allows you to copy a Part of the current Song to a specific Pattern.

03: Clear Song

This job deletes all data from the selected Song or all Songs. It can also be used to delete all 64 Songs at
the same time.

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