Veris Technologies VIS_NIR Spectrophotometer - Operating Instructions User Manual

Page 63

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Pub# OM17-NIR Shank


Procedure #3 - Shutter Movement Troubleshooting
During data acquisition if the steps are not within 5.21 +\- .05, or if there are problems
doing dark/reference checks, the shutter could either be out of sequence or not
operating properly. Complete the steps below to get the shank back into sequence.

N= neutral, window open, light visible, no actuator rod

Figure 6

R= reference, shutter blocking window, virtually no light visible

Figure 7

D= dark, light visible, actuator rod visible

Figure 8

Step 1:
Disconnect lamp cable from auxiliary case, no light should be showing (lamp cable
includes power to proximity sensor)

Step 2:
Turn on power to the cases

Step 3:
Open HyperTerminal to the control port use these settings:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None

Shutter is shown in
neutral position. Note
light has been turned
off for photograph.

Shutter is shown in
reference position.

Shutter is shown in dark
position. Note light has
been turned off for
