5.1 overview, E 2-11, 5 security access to the c:\mywebpages directory – Innotech eServer User Manual

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eServer Setup and Site Installation Instructions

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© Mass Electronics Pty Ltd 2009

Edition 5.0 dated 07/01/2014

2-5 Security Access to the c:\MyWebPages Directory

Figure 2-11: Edit Security Groups for c:\MyWebPages

2-5.1 Overview

To enable eServer Client computers connection and access to the contents of the c:\MyWebPages

directory, you will need to configure folder security settings. This allows eServer Client computers to

access to necessary files of the eServer project.

2-5.2 Create Special User "Everyone" for c:\MyWebPages

Navigate to

c:\MyWebPages on your computer. Right-click on the MyWebPages folder and select

Properties from the popup menu. Select the Security tab and click Edit to change permissions, as

illustrated below in Figure 2-11.

You will need to enable security access to a user called "Everyone", and then customise the security settings for

"Everyone". If the user "Everyone" already exists for this directory, check that the suitable security and access settings

have been enabled for this directory.

