Port operation list – HP XP External Storage Software User Manual

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Port Operation list

Displays ports in the local array that External Storage XP can use or set. The port information displayed
corresponds to the item selected in the Port tree.

You can sort the list by attribute. For example, to sort by port numbers, click Port on the list.

Rows corresponding to ports that are about to be acted upon appear in the Preset list, and the
corresponding row in the Port Operation list appears in blue italics.

Figure 39 Port Operation list

Port number. One of the following icons appears for each port:



Port in Standard mode.

Port in High Speed mode.

Port in Initiator/External MIX mode.

Port attribute. External ports are used for connecting to the external array. To set a remote command
device, you can use the port for which the Initiator/External MIX mode has been set.

PCB Mode
Port's PCB mode. Standard, High Speed, or MIX (for Initiator/External MIX mode) appears. External
ports do not have High Speed mode. For more information about the PCB mode, see the
HP StorageWorks LUN Configuration and Security Manager XP user guide for the
XP12000/XP10000/SVS200. For more information about the Initiator/External MIX mode, see

Using Continuous Access XP or Continuous Access XP Journal with remote command devices


FLI_TOV (Fabric Login Timeout Value)
Maximum time allowed (in seconds) for an external array to perform a fabric login after being
connected to a switch. This value is preset and cannot be changed.

PLI_TOV (Port Login Timeout Value)
Maximum time allowed (in seconds) for the external array to perform a port login after being
connected. This value is preset and cannot be changed.

The sum of the FLI_TOV and PLI_TOV values.

External Storage XP user guide for the XP12000, XP10000, SVS200


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