HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Licenses User Manual

Page 311

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For details on how to perform these settings, refer to the documentation

for the HBA being used. You may need to restart the host, depending on

the HBA being used, its drivers, and the path configuration of the deleted




Execute the dlmsetconf utility for creating the HDLM driver configuration

definition file to update the HDLM driver configuration definition file (/

# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmsetconf

If an error message or warning message is displayed for the deleted LU

path, ignore it. In addition, refer to the file /opt/DynamicLinkManager/
config/dlmfdrv.unconf to make sure that the file does not contain this

LU and also contains an LU other than this one.



Execute the dlmcfgmgr utility for managing the HDLM configuration to

delete the LU, which is disconnected from the host, from the HDLM driver.

# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmcfgmgr -a

The HDLM device will be deleted without restarting the host.



Execute the dlnkmgr command's view -path operation to check the path

status after the configuration change.
The following shows an example of executing the command:

# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -path

Paths:000006 OnlinePaths:000006

PathStatus IO-Count IO-Errors

Online 27 0

PathID PathName

DskName iLU

ChaPort Status Type IO-Count IO-Errors DNum HDevName

000000 0000.0000.0000000000651600.0000 HITACHI .OPEN-V -SUN.

0010007 000500 5A Online

Own 9 0 - c8t50060E8005271740d0

000001 0000.0000.0000000000651600.0001 HITACHI .OPEN-V -SUN.

0010007 000501 5A Online

Own 9 0 - c8t50060E8005271740d1

000003 0000.0000.0000000000651600.0003 HITACHI .OPEN-V -SUN.

0010007 000503 5A Online

Own 9 0 - c8t50060E8005271740d3

000004 0001.0000.0000000000651700.0000 HITACHI .OPEN-V -SUN.

0010007 000500 6A Online

Own 0 0 - c8t50060E8005271740d0

000005 0001.0000.0000000000651700.0001 HITACHI .OPEN-V -SUN.

0010007 000501 6A Online

Own 0 0 - c8t50060E8005271740d1

000007 0001.0000.0000000000651700.0003 HITACHI .OPEN-V -SUN.

0010007 000503 6A Online

Own 0 0 - c8t50060E8005271740d3

KAPL01001-I The HDLM command completed normally. operation name

= view, completion time = yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss


The deleted LU is no longer output. In the example of the configuration

after the change, the path IDs 000002 and 000006 are deleted.

HDLM Operation


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Solaris) User Guide

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