HP Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager Software Licenses User Manual

Page 337

background image

switches, cables between hosts and the storage system devices, and the

HBA driver.



Set up switches and other devices so that the logical units in the

destination storage system are recognized by the OS.

# cfgadm -c configure ap_id

For the value to be specified for ap_id, see the listing of hardware

information displayed by the cfgadm -al command.
The following shows an example of executing the command.

# cfgadm -al

Ap_Id Type Receptacle

Occupant Cond

system:slot0 cpu/mem connected

configured ok

system:slot1 sbus-upa connected

configured ok



Execute the format command, and confirm that the new logical units

recognized by the OS are displayed. Also confirm that a disk label is

specified for the logical units.

# format

If you do not use a storage-system-migration definition file, go to step 9.



Execute the dlmsetconf utility as shown below to verify the integrity of

the storage-system-migration definition file.

# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmsetconf -c

If there are problems with the storage-system-migration definition file,

re-create the file, and then continue the procedure from step 9.



Execute the dlmsetconf utility as shown below to update configuration

definition files.

# /opt/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlmsetconf -t

If a storage-system-migration definition file exists, a response message is

output asking you what to do about any LUs not in the storage-system-

migration definition file. Respond by entering y or n.
y: The logical unit that does not exist in the storage-system-migration

definition file inherits the logical device name, under the condition that

the host logical unit number of the migration source is the same as that

of the migration destination. (The logical device name migration is

executed under the condition that is the same as the one in which the

storage-system-migration definition file does not exist.)
n: The logical unit that does not exist in the storage-system-migration

definition file does not inherit the logical device name. A new logical

device name is created.



If the new logical units recognized by the OS include units to be excluded

from HDLM management, first edit the HDLM driver unconfiguration

definition file (/opt/DynamicLinkManager/config/dlmfdrv.unconf).

HDLM Operation


Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager (for Solaris) User Guide

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