Metrohm NIRS XDS Interactance OptiProbe Analyzer User Manual

Page 60

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The Number of Samples should be 10, as shown.
The wavelength standard for reflectance is the
“SRM-1920 with talc”. This is the same cell used
for Instrument Calibration. It is labeled “WSR” on
the back.

Current versions of Vision default to this
selection, for this instrument. Please verify that it
is correct.

Click “OK” when ready.

Vision requests that the user place the instrument reference into

Verify that the probe is in the position shown. Click

When the reference scan is finished, insert the
wavelength standard as directed.

Always place the standard into the instrument in the
same orientation. In this case, the user has marked
the standard for repeatable positioning.

Click “OK” when ready.
