Close_search – Argox PA-20 Programming Guide User Manual

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PT-20 Programming Guide


unsigned char *pusFielddlt

This argument has two kinds of meanings.

When record _ Type is 0, search for regular

length. This function needs to insert the

unsigned char array; the array represents

the length of every field.

When record _ Type is1, search for

variable length, this function need to insert

one character to represent separate


unsigned char *pusKeyIdx

This argument can give max. 8 key fields

for search. We will make a checksum index

file for these key fields.

int slKeyField_Num

This argument can give the sum of

pusKeyIdx size, for sum of key fields.

int record_type

When record _ Type is 0, search for regular

length. It has no separate symbols among

field and field.

When record _ Type is 1, search for

variable length. It needs a separate symbol

among field and field.

int record_length

This argument is each record’s length.

When record _ Type is 0, need to insert this

value, not including the symbol of line feed.

When record _ Type is 1, this field can

insert any value.

int total_field_no

This argument is the field’s quantity of each


int total_record_no

Total amount of records in the file. If does

not know the total amount, you can insert -

1, that will calculate automatically by the


Returns: 0: Initialize defeat.

1: Initialize success.

-1: Argument

“pusKeyIdx” or “slKeyField_Num” is error, please check it.

-2: Cannot make a IDX file, please check your lookup filename or C disk




Use “Close _ Search” can close the file search function in Disk C and D.
