Standard function library – Argox PA-20 Programming Guide User Manual

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PT-20 Programming Guide


Standard Function Library

The user application program in the data collector can perform the tasks to combine

standard C language function library. The function library is enclosed in the

developing environment (RealView Developer Suite). After set up the developing

environment, you can find the include head file of standard C language function

library in the directory


. The following

are the available include head file list in standard C language function library:


__assert ;


isalnum; isalpha; iscntrl; isdigit; isgraph; islower; ispr; ispunct;

isspace; isupper; isxdigit; tolower; toupper;


setlocale; localeconv;


acos; asin; atan; atan2; cos; sin; tan; cosh;

sinh; tanh; exp; frexp; ldexp; log; log10; modf;

pow; sqrt; ceil; fabs;__d_abs; floor; fmod;


setjmp; longjmp;


signal; raise;


sprintf; sscanf;


atof; atoi; long atol; strtod; long strtol; strtoul; rand; srand;

_ANSI_rand; _ANSI_srand; abort; atexit; exit; getenv; system; bsearch;

qsort; abs; long labs;


strcpy; strncpy; strcat; strncat; memcmp; strcmp; strncmp; strcoll; strxfrm; strstr;

memset; strlen;

If you need to use standard C language functions in the user program, please add

#include <header file name> in the top of the file to import the correlated include

head files. See following example:

#include <stdio.h>
