RJS Inspector D4000 Laser (FIRMWARE version A.05 and Earlier) User Manual

Page 73

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Appendix K


s Guide


RJS, Minneapolis, MN


MOD = ECmin/SC

The greater the difference between minimum edge contrast and symbol contrast, the low-
er the grade.

Since “ink spread” will reduce the width and intensity of single module space within a
symbol, this is one thing to check in seeking to correct a low modulation grade.


The narrowest expected bar or space width.

Moving Beam Scanner

A laser device that dynamically searches for a barcode pattern by sweeping a moving op-
tical beam through a field of view.

N (wide to narrow ratio)

In symbologies with two element widths, the wide to narrow ratio of elements is calcu-
lated by summing the average wide bar width and average wide space width and dividing
the sum by 2 times Z. Inter-character gaps, if applicable, are not included.

N = (avg.wide bar + avg. wide space) / (2*Z)

Nanometer (nm)

A unit of measure used to define the wavelength of light, equal to 10-9 meter.


The intended value for a specific parameter. Tolerances are generally specified as posi-
tive and negative deviations from this value.

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