Documentation, Emi gasket (ni pxi-655x only), Installing the software – National Instruments PXI-6561/6562 User Manual

Page 6: Choose and install your ade, Documentation emi gasket (ni pxi-655 x only), Emi gasket (ni pxi-655 x only)

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NI Digital Waveform Generator/Analyzer Guide


Other documentation included with the digital waveform
generator/analyzer and driver software. Refer to the Documentation
section for a list of the documentation you may have.


The NI digital waveform generator/analyzer kit may also include the
following documents:

NI digital waveform generator/analyzer specifications—This printed
document provides specifications for your device.

Read Me First: Safety and Radio-Frequency Interference

Maintain Forced-Air Cooling Note to Users

Retrofitting Your PXI Module Note to Users

EMI Gasket (NI PXI-655X Only)

The NI PXI-655X kit also includes an EMI gasket and documentation that
describes under what conditions you should install the gasket. Refer to

5. Installing the Hardware

for more information about the gasket.

4. Installing the Software

This section describes the software installation process for the NI digital
waveform generator/analyzer.

Choose and Install Your ADE

You can create applications for your digital waveform generator/analyzer
using LabVIEW 7.0 or later, LabWindows/CVI 6.0 or later, or Microsoft
Visual C++ 5.0 or later.

LabVIEW features interactive graphics, a state-of-the-art interface, and a
powerful graphical programming language. LabWindows/CVI is a complete
ANSI C ADE that features an interactive user interface, code generation
tools, and the LabWindows/CVI Data Acquisition and Easy I/O libraries.
Using LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI can greatly reduce your application
development time.

If you have not already installed the ADE, follow the instructions in the
product documentation to install your ADE now.
