Lexibook CG1400 User Manual

Page 36

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indicating the coordinates of the square where the piece was. Press this

square and replace the piece on the chessboard.

5. If you cancel after you have castled, you must first replace your King,

then your Castle by pressing the squares of each.

6. If you cancel the promotion of a pawn, don’t forget to change your

Queen back to a pawn.

If you want to cancel your move, but you have already carried out the computer’s

next move, press TAKE BACK and cancel the computer’s move following the

procedure above. Then press TAKE BACK again to cancel your own move. If

you have already pressed the square the computer wants to move from and it is

showing what square it wants to move to, then press TAKE BACK once to cancel

the computer’s move, and then a second time to cancel your own.

If you want to cancel two moves, press TAKE BACK a third time to cancel the

computer’s move before last. Then press TAKE BACK a fourth time to cancel

your move before last. If you want to cancel any more moves, the computer will

sound the error signal. If you want to cancel more than two moves, you must

use the SET UP function to change the position of chessmen on the board (see

paragraph XIX).


To ask the computer to tell you what move it would make in your place:

1. Press HINT.
2. The computer will illuminate the coordinates of the square it suggests

you move from. Press this square (or press HINT again).

3. The computer will then illuminate the coordinates of the square it

suggests you move to. Press this square (or, again, press HINT).

4. You can then make the move the computer has suggested by pressing the

squares you are moving from and to again. Or, if you don’t want to take
its advice, you can make a different move.
