Capacity unit box, Selected ldevs – HP StorageWorks XP Remote Web Console Software User Manual

Page 144

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144 Volume Manager operations

The LDEV Information table displays detailed information for all open-system LDEVs in the selected CU. If

you select a normal LDEV, the information in this table is for the top LDEV. If you select a LUSE volume, the

information in this table is for all LDEVs in the LUSE volume. The table displays the following information:

LDEV: LDEV status icon (

Table 32

) and the CU and LDEV numbers. If the selected LDEV is a LUSE

volume, the LDEV number of the top LDEV in the LUSE volume appears.


If an LDEV number ends with # (for example, 00:01#), the LDEV is an external LU. For

more information about external LUs, see the HP StorageWorks External Storage XP user guide.


If an LDEV number ends with V (for example, 00:01V), the LDEV is a virtual volume

(V-VOL). For more information about V-VOLs, see the HP StorageWorks Snapshot XP user guide.

Emulation: Emulation type. If the selected LDEV is a LUSE volume, the emulation type appears with an

asterisk and the number of volumes in the LUSE volume (for example, OPEN-E*5). If the selected LDEV

is a CVS volume, the emulation type appears with CVS (for example, OPEN-3 CVS).

Capacity: LDEV capacity in either MB or GB, depending on the unit selected in the Capacity Unit box.

RAID: LDEV’s RAID level.


The RAID level is left unspecified with a hyphen (-) when the LDEV is an external LU or

virtual volume (V-VOL).

PG: Combination of the disk group and parity group. If the LDEV extends over two or more parity

groups, the smaller parity group number appears.


If a parity group number starts with E (for example, E1-1), the parity group consists of one

or more external LUs.


If a parity group number starts with V (for example, V1-1), the parity group consists of one

or more virtual volumes (V-VOLs).

Paths: Number of paths set for the LDEV. If this column displays the number of paths for an LDEV, you

can use the LDEV as the top LDEV of a LUSE volume (see ”

Volume Manager operations using a

path-defined LDEV

” on page 129).

Access Attribute: Access attribute set for the LDEV.

IO Suppression Mode: Displays Disable when I/O requests from hosts are suppressed, or Enable if

I/O requests from hosts are not suppressed.

Cache Mode: Displays Disable when cache is set to be unused for responding to I/O requests from

hosts, or Enable when cache is set to be used for responding to I/O requests from hosts.

Ex-Dev Info.: Displays the LDEV’s drive type. Displays an asterisk (*) when the drive type is SATA.

Displays nothing when the drive type is not SATA.

CLPR: ID of the cache logical partition (CLPR) to which the displayed volumes belong. The CLPR ID is

composed of a CLPR number (two-digit) and a CLPR name (maximum of 16 characters)

Capacity Unit box

Capacity of the LDEV displayed in the Capacity column, in either GB (default) or MB.

Selected LDEVs

Number of LDEVs selected in the LDEV Information table.

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