Videotec SM328B User Manual

Page 64

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Identification text

Input the text identifying the alarm in question in the “Description” field.


Click on the buzzer CheckBox to enable or disable the buzzer (the presence of a tick indicates the buzzer
is enabled and vice versa).

Definition of normally open or normally closed alarms

To define an alarm contact as normally open or normally closed click as required on the “Normally closed”
or the “Normally open” Radio Button in the “alarm contact type” box.

Alarm contact enabling

The enabled period for each alarm contact is chosen by clicking on one of the RadioButtons specified
below, inside the "Enabled" box



Period of opening

Periods of closure

as required.

Reset method

One, or more between the four reset modes, is chosen by clicking on the CheckBox required in the “Reset”
box. It should be noted that, while for the continuos, external and timed Reset modes there is a single
CheckBox (called Continuous, External and Timed) respectively, for the Keyboard Reset mode it is

possible to choose which keyboards are enable to silence the alarm.

If the timed Reset mode is selected, a ComboBox appears with a value of 2 seconds selected. To change
the length of the interval, click on the arrow of the ComboBox and select the interval required.

Action on the receivers

Select the required receivers by clicking on the arrow of the “Receivers” ComboBox inside the “action on
the Receivers”. The ComboBox for the choice of the action to carry out on the receiver appears alongside.
Click on the arrow and choose between “Scan” and “Patrol”. If it is chosen to carry out a scan on the
receiver, another ComboBox will be enabled for the choice of scan number. Click on the arrow and select

the scan required.

Action on the monitors

To configure the action to carry out on each monitor in the case an alarm, click on the arrow of the “action”

ComboBox and choose one of the proposals made. By choosing:

1. “Sequence” ComboBox will appear that makes it possible to choose the cycle required; click on the

arrow and select the cycle sequence required;

2. “Camera” the ComboBox will appear that makes it possible to select the camera the output of which is

to be shown on the screen; click on the arrow and choose the arrow required.

Action on the relays

There is a selection ComboBox for each of the eight relays. Click on the ComboBox arrow and select the

action required.

Click on the “<< Back” button to return to the previous screen.

Click on the “>> Next” button to continue.

8. Configuration software

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