Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk AssetCentre Machine Edition Installation Manual User Manual

Page 9

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If you use a firewall, you must configure the firewall to permit traffic on the following

Some of these ports may vary on your network. Work with your network administrators to
determine the correct port numbers to open.

You may need to open ports for other Rockwell Automation products as well. See
“Additional ports you may have to open” on page 35.

This port:

is used for:

TCP port 25

SMTP mail

TCP port 80

Standard WWW port

TCP port 135

Remote Process Calls

TCP port 139

File and printer sharing

TCP port 445

File and printer sharing

TCP port 1433

Communications to SQL Server

TCP ports 7002 - 7004

FactoryTalk AssetCentre Machine Edition

UDP port 137

File and printer sharing

UDP port 138

File and printer sharing

UDP port 1434

Browsing for SQL Servers

UDP port 21060

Rockwell Automation Trace Diagnostics

UDP port 21061

Rockwell Automation Trace Diagnostics
