Bio-Rad Profinia Protein Purification System Kits User Manual

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There are sufficient buffers and reagents provided for ten 1 ml
purification runs. If it is desirable to use the remaining reagents on
proteins other than the supplied control, the reagents should be stored
at 4°C and used within 6 months. The elution buffer, which contains
glutathione, must be stored at –20°C and used within 6 months. The
solution should be thawed only once

Reuse of Cartridges

The 1 ml affinity and 10 ml desalting cartridges provided in the starter
kit can be used up to five times. Since the lysate provided in the kit is
sufficient for only two purifications, cartridges could theoretically be
used three more times. However, as with any type of affinity
purification, it is suggested that individual cartridges be dedicated to
the purification of a unique protein, in this case the control lysate
protein. Cross-contamination can always pose a risk if more than one
protein is purified over the same cartridge

If the user chooses to use the same 1 ml affinity and 10 ml desalting
cartridge for a different protein, Section 7 provides the appropriate
cleaning and storage protocols for cartridge reuse

Alternatively, and if cross-contamination is a concern, Bio-Scale™
Mini IMAC or GST cartridges may be purchased separately can
buffers provided in the starter kit are provided in sufficient quantity to
perform 10 purification runs

Section 9
Legal Notices

Purification and preparation of fusion proteins and affinity peptides

containing at least two adjacent histidine residues may require a license
under U.S. patent 5,284,933 and U.S. patent 5,310,663, including foreign
patents (assignee Hoffman-LaRoche).

Expression and purification of GST fusion proteins may require a

license under U.S. patent 5,654,176 (assignee Chemicon International).




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