BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 50 User Manual

Page 107

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EADI Displays


Issued 4/95

SW 06/07/08/11

available) differ by more than 6
degrees. The miscompare will
also be displayed if the failure
warning flags differ.

Note: In reversionary modes

the EHSI Attitude may be
used for comparison if


Heading miscompare, a yellow
double-ended arrow over “HDG”
will be displayed to the left of the
lubber on the EHSI and right side
center of the EADI if heading 1, 2
and cross-side (if available) differ
by more than 6 degrees up to 6
degrees of bank and by more
than 20 degrees above 6
degrees of bank. If bank infor-
mation is not available, the mis-
compare will be displayed if
heading differs by more than 20
degrees. The miscompare will
also be displayed if the failure
warning flags differ. Heading
miscompare will be processed in
the EHSI section of the symbol
generator and displayed on the
EADI if the heading tape is
selected for display. Heading
miscompare will not be per-
formed if sources are not type
matched (all magnetic or all true).

Note: Beginning with software
11, SG1 to SG2 comparisons of
attitude, heading, and radio
altitude are not performed if valid
data is not available on the cross-
talk bus between symbol genera-
tors. Therefore, failure of an SG
in installations with both SG1 and

SG2 configured can cause mis-
compare annunciations only with
software versions before 11.
