Wind vector, Drift angle pointer (lnav only), Lnav mode annunciations – BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 50 User Manual

Page 78

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EHSI Displays


Issued 4/95

SW 06/07/08/11


When the aircraft is equipped

with the appropriate LNAV
equipment, an optional full time
wind vector indicating approxi-
mate wind direction and speed
may be displayed in white in the
upper left corner below the
selected course. Wind vector
information will be available only
when valid data is provided by
the LNAV. The information pro-
vided by this vector is advisory
only. It is NOT intended for use
during approach as critical flight
data because it will become inac-
curate during altitude changes.

In single LNAV systems the wind
vector data may be displayed on
all EHSI displays. In dual LNAV
installations with an LNAV select-
ed as the primary nav source,
that LNAV is the only source of
wind vector data. In dual LNAV
installations with a primary nav
source other than an LNAV, the
wind vector data will be supplied
only by the on-side with software
prior to 08, but after SW 08, the
off-side LNAV is used as a
secondary source of wind vector
Note: If the selected LNAV is

configured as a Crouzet
Omega, the wind vector will be
displayed as the standard
meteorological wind symbol.

(LNAV only)

The drift angle pointer is an

optional hollow cyan (green or
yellow in approach mode) trian-
gular pointer which is generated

by some LNAVs and rotates
about the outside of the compass
scale. Referenced to the lubber
line, the drift angle pointer repre-
sents drift angle left or right of the
aircraft heading. With respect to
the compass scale, the drift
angle pointer represents aircraft
actual ground track.

Drift angle pointer information is
provided by the LNAV and will be
displayed only when the LNAV is
selected as the primary NAV
source and valid information is
present. If the pointer informa-
tion becomes invalid it will be
removed from the display.


A configuration option

selectable at the time of
installation and certification
allows the LNAV mode annunci-
ators to be displayed above the
three letter vertical source
annunciator “FMS”, “LOR” or
“GPS”. The following annuncia-
tions will be displayed in the pri-
ority listed:

• MSG white flashing for five

seconds and then solid

• DR

white flashing for five
seconds and then solid

• WRN white flashing for five

seconds and then solid
(not displayed in SW 07
and later)

• WPT white flashing for five

seconds and then solid

• HDG white
• XTK white
• APR white
