To/from, Distance information, Dme hold – BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 50 User Manual

Page 120

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Issued 4/95

SW 06/07/08/11

Beginning with software 11, the
deviation bar and scale are
decluttered when lateral devia-
tion information is provided in
ARINC 429 format with a status
of No Computed Data (NCD).
The red “X” is still displayed for
invalid or missing data.


Displayed left of the center dia-
mond on the lateral deviation
scale, a white “TO” or “FR” will
provide TO/FROM information
when in non-ILS or non-MLS


An alphanumeric readout, locat-
ed in the lower left corner, annun-
ciates distance in nautical miles
from the aircraft to the selected
primary NAV station when in the
VOR, TACAN, ILS or MLS mode,
or to the waypoint in the LNAV or
RNAV mode.


When DME HOLD is selected,
the DME distance and annuncia-
tor color will change to white and
will remain white until the HOLD
function is released. The sensor
identifier (ADF, VOR, ILS, etc )
shall retain the original assigned
color. The HOLD function is
additionally annunciated by an
orange letter “H” displayed imme-
diately to the right of the distance
information. Ground speed and
time-to-station are not displayed
while DME HOLD is active

Once the DME is placed in
HOLD, its distance will continue
to be displayed and will not be
affected when the primary NAV
sensor is changed.

DME HOLD will not function
when MLS, LNAV or RNAV is the
selected sensor. In this situation
the associated distance field is
always used to display waypoint
or MLS distance.
