Sg —symbol generator, Raw data deviation annunciations, Bearing pointer annunciations – BendixKing SG 465 System EFS 50 User Manual

Page 158: Alphanumeric readout annunciations

background image

Fault Annunciations


Issued 4/95

SW 06/07/08/11


A RED SG enclosed by a RED
box is annunciated at the upper
left center of the EHSI or lower
left of the EADI if certain moni-
tored functions are detected
invalid. If the RED SG annuncia-
tion is encountered extreme cau-
tion should be used to validate
any data used on the display for
navigation. Even after validation
and revalidation the data should
only be used as supplementary

A large RED “SG” appearing on
a black back display annunciates
a Symbol Generator failure which
would result in processed data
that is unusable for navigation.
Refer to Figure 6.1 and 6.3.


Pointer/Scale malfunctions are
annunciated by removal of the
associated pointer/scale and
placing a RED X drawn in their
place. A flag presented on the
vertical deviation scale will result
in the deviation pointer being
removed. On the EHSI, the
pointer/scale annunciations
include L/R deviation, GS or VN
and fore/aft in Doppler and hom-
ing mode. On the EADI, the
scale annunciations include L/R
deviation and GS or VN. Refer
to figure 6.1 for display presenta-
tions showing these annuncia-



Bearing pointer source failure or
invalid data reception (No Com-
puted Data, NCD) causes a RED
X to be drawn through the
source annunciator. The bearing
pointer or NAVAID symbol is also



Failures affecting alphanumeric
readouts are annunciated by a
RED X drawn through the read-
out. On the EHSI (figure 6.1), the
alphanumeric readouts include
NAV bearing pointer source and
course (CRS) or desired track

Failures affecting distance infor-
mation are annunciated by RED
dashes in the data field. When
the Distance Source is opera-
tional but not providing valid dis-
tance data (no lock on or NCD)
dashes the color of the sensor
will be placed in the data field.
Speed (KT) and time (MN)
annunciation will be removed if
valid distance, speed and time-
to-station information is not pro-
vided by the primary NAV sensor

Failures affecting radio altimeter
information are annunciated by
RED dashes in the data field on
the EADI. When the radio
altimeter source is operational
but not providing valid data (no
lock on or NCD) white dashes
