Import devices from nvrs – ACTi CMS 2 User Manual

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CMS 2.0 System Administrator’s Manual


Import Devices from NVRs

In most cases, with limited licenses, you do not import all devices of all NVRs to your CMS

server. After an NVR is added, you may start selecting your desired devices to be imported to

CMS server. Once a device is imported, on CMS interface you can (1) modify this device

directly, (2) see its live stream ,(3) receive the instant event notifications from this device and (4)

watch the recorded video of this device.

1. On All Sources list, select this NVR, the Using Devices list on the right will display the

imported devices. By default, all the devices of an NVR were already imported as you

added it to CMS server.

2. If you have unchecked the box

Auto Import All Devices in Source” when adding this

NVR source, you have to select the devices to be added by yourself.

Click “Import Devices

to enter NVR device list.

3. On the Import Devices list will show all devices of this NVR. Select the desired devices you

Added NVR

Imported Devices: All

Imported Devices: None
