Un-install server software, Step 1: remove cms server program – ACTi CMS 2 User Manual

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CMS 2.0 System Administrator’s Manual


Un-install Server Software

In certain cases, un-installation of CMS system is necessary, for example, (1) you want to

terminate CMS server and clear all the evidence due to privacy and security reasons, (2) you

need to reinstall the system due to an unsuccessful installation.

Before starting un-installation, please back up important data (please refer to Back up System

Data on page 81) first and prepare the CMS server install shield application. This chapter will

describe un-installation process.

Step 1: Remove CMS Server Program

1. Go to Windows Control PanelPrograms and Features (in Windows Vista /Windows

7/Windows 2008) to remove it. When you un-install CMS server program, the web client

will be terminated at the same time.


After you choose to uninstall “ACTi CMS Server

program, the uninstallshield will execute and

notify you when it is completed.
