Meriam MFT 4010 Modular Calibrator_HART Communicator User Manual

Page 32

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Pressing the Back soft key will return the MFT to the Measure Mode screen. Refer to the Calibrate section for
more information.

Smart Trim: The MFT 4005 and 4010 provide all measurement and HART communication features needed to
trim / calibrate HART transmitters. No other handheld devices are needed. Smart Trim enables this by
providing direct access to the five common HART trim commands from one MFT screen.

To perform a trim on a HART transmitter, move the selection arrow in the Calibrate key main menu to Smart
and press Select.

The following screen will appear:

4 mA Analog Trim: MFT 4005 and 4010 execute 4 mA trims on HART devices.
For 4mA Trim function, make sure the selection arrow points to 4 mA Analog Trim and press Select.

The screen will prompt: Take Loop offline. This notice reminds the user that the device output will not be a
measurement of the actual process, and to place the receiving device or control system (such as a chart
recorder, PLC, or DCS) in manual mode. Press the OK soft key to continue (or press the Abort soft key to
return to the Hart Smart Trim Screen). The following screen will appear:

4 mA Analog Trim Screen

This screen shows the analog output (AO) value being transmitted by the HART signal and the loop value
measured by the MFT.

To perform a 4 mA Trim. Press the Select soft key. The screen will clear and report “Trim Successful”.
Press OK. Press OK again at the “Put Loop back online” notice. The MFT returns to the Hart Smart Trim
Menu Screen. AO should now match the MFT’s measured V/I value. Pressing Back will return the MFT to
the Calibrate key main menu screen.

20 mA Analog Trim: MFT 4005 and 4010 execute 20 mA trim on HART devices.
To perform the 4mA Trim, make sure the selection arrow points to 20 mA Analog Trim and press Select.

Trim 4ma
Cal: Pump 8

AO: 4.000 mA

MFT Analog Data
V/I: 4.002 mA

Up Down Select Back

Cal Menu

Cal: Pump 8

4mA Analog Trim

20mA Analog Trim
Zero Trim
Lower Sensor Trim
Upper Sensor Trim

Up Down Select Back

Hart Smart Trim Screen

This manual is related to the following products: