Alto-Shaam QC2-3 User Manual

Page 22

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Q U I C K C H I L L E R • I N S T A L L A T I O N / O P E R A T I O N / S E R V I C E M A N U A L • 2 0 .

S U b T I T l e

T I T l e

chanGinG user settinGs

Starting from the


position, press the power



. The Alto-Shaam name will illuminate

and the SelecTIon Screen will appear on the

display. The compressor will become energized

and will begin to operate if required by the


Press the proGraM key. The display will

indicate the User Settings each time the program

key is pressed.

Press the up 5or down6arrow keys to select the

desired User Setting. Press the right4or left3arrow

keys to change the value.

Press the proGraM key to save settings and

return to the SelecTIon Screen.

proGramminG user settinGs

1. STarT ManUal DefroST

Select Start Manual Defrost and press the STarT/

STop key to initiate a manual defrost cycle. The

defrost cycle will complete operation when the

temperature of the coil or coils reach set-point

values or after a user set period has been

reached, whichever occurs first.

2. DefroST freQUency

The display will indicate the length of time

necessary to accrue before the Fan Timer triggers an

automatic defrost cycle. The length of time can be

adjusted by pressing the right4or left3arrow keys

to increase or decrease automatic defrost cycle time

(4-10 hours).

3. lanGUaGe

The display will indicate the currently selected

language. Press the right4or left3arrow key to

select English, Spanish, or French as the language of


4. DaTe

The display will indicate YEar, montH, and daY

oF montH (YYYY/MM/DD). Press the up5or

down6 arrow key to select the date, time, and day,

and the right4or left3arrow key to increase or

decrease the numbers as required.

5. TIMe

The display will indicate the current tImE of day

(HH:MM). Press the up5or down6arrow key

to select the hours or minutes and the right4or

left3arrow key to increase or decrease the numbers

as required.

6. °f/°c - fahrenheit/celsius

The display will indicate a choice between celsius

and Fahrenheit for Quickchiller temperature display

readings. Press the right4or left3arrow key to

toggle the setting.

7. holD DefaUlT

The display will indicate the default Hold

temperature. Press the right4or left3arrow key to

increase or decrease the default holding temperature

between a range of -5°F to +40°F (-21°C to +4°C).

a D v a n c e D o p e r a T I o n

o p e r a T I o n



Start Manual Defrost


HACCP Download


Defrost Frequency


Probe Verification




Preset Lock




Chill Mode Lock


Time - HH:MM


Defrost Time (Minutes)


°F/°C - Fahrenheit/Celsius 13. Drip Time (Minutes)


Hold Default


Factory Settings

a D v a n c e D o p e r a T I o n – U S e r S e T T I n G S

o p e r a T I o n

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