Alto-Shaam QC2-3 User Manual

Page 25

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Q U I C K C H I L L E R • I N S T A L L A T I O N / O P E R A T I O N / S E R V I C E M A N U A L • 2 3 .

T I T l e

o p e r a T I o n

fooD probe USe

Unpacking food probes
Cut and remove the plastic ties

keeping the probe cables

coiled during shipment.

When removing the ties,

exercise caution to avoid accidentally

cutting the black plastic covers on the probe

cable wires.

2. Uncoil the probe cables and insert the metal

portion of each probe into the bracket mounted

on the inside of the cabinet. Proper probe

placement is in the following sequence:

Place the top probe (Product Probe 1) in the top

bracket. On equipped models, place the center

probe (Product Probe 2) in the middle bracket,

and place the bottom probe (Product Probe 3) in

the bottom bracket position.

3. Before using the probes, wipe each probe and

probe tip with a disposable alcohol pad to clean

and sanitize.

probe cleaning procedures
Remove all food residues from probes between

loads and at the end of each production shift.

Wipe the entire probe, cable assembly, and

probe holding bracket with warm detergent

solution and a clean cloth.

2. Remove detergent by wiping each probe, probe

cable, and holding bracket with clean rinse

water and a cloth.

3. Wipe probes and probe brackets with

disposable alcohol pad or sanitizing solution

recommended for food contact surfaces.

4. Replace the probe into the proper probe bracket.

Allow the probe and cable to air dry.

5. Wipe the each probe with a disposable alcohol

pad prior to inserting the probe into a new

food product.

Daily prong cleaning
To ensure accurate internal product temperature

readings, the prongs on the removable probe must

be cleaned daily.
1. Remove all food debris from prongs at the end

of each production shift. Wipe the entire prong

casing, and between each prong with a warm

detergent solution and a clean cloth.

2. Remove detergent by wiping with clean rinse

water and a cloth.

3. Allow prongs to air dry before replacing

detachable probe.

USer InforMaTIon

Time & Temperature Guidelines

To assure quality and safety in chilled processed

food handling, it is important to observe the

following guidelines.
1. All foods should be covered prior to chill or

freeze processing.

2. The temperature of foods should be rapidly

reduced from 140°F to 40°F (60°C to 4°C)

within a period of 4 hours.

3. Foods can be safely removed from the chiller

cabinet at a product temperature of 40°F (4°C)

or lower.

4. Chilled foods should be stored under

refrigeration designed to hold products at

34° to 38°F (1° to 3°C) for a maximum of 5 days

or less. A 5-day shelf life includes the day of

production and the day of consumption.

5. All potentially hazardous cooked foods that

have been chilled followed by reheating and hot

food holding must be reheated to a minimum

core temperature of 165°F (74°C) for 15 seconds

prior to serving. Refer to local food codes for

possible exceptions.

6. Always reference and adhere to local food

codes and HACCP guidelines with regard to

time and temperature for chilling or frozen

food processing.

automatic Defrost

The Quickchiller will only trigger an automatic

defrost cycle during the refrigerated Hold temp

mode. If the chiller is in any other mode when

the Fan Timer limit plus one additional hour

has elapsed, the display will indicate a warning

message “DefroST overDUe” and beep every 10

seconds until a defrost is conducted. A defrost

can be initiated manually as indicated under

User Settings in this manual, or by allowing the

Quickchiller to enter the Hold temp mode.

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This manual is related to the following products: