High Country Tek DVC80 User Manual

Page 64

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P/N: 021-00154, Rev. A.6 - updated for V4.7 Tools

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field to Logic1. Next, right click in the Logic1 window and select “Add Bubble”. Repeat this again to get a
second bubble displayed. Now, right click on bubble 1, select “Add Transition”, move the mouse to bubble 2
and click. A line connecting the two bubbles will be displayed.

Next, double click on the line and a Transition dialog
box will appear. Enter “always” in the “Transition to 2
when” text box. Entering “always” will cause a transition
to bubble 2 every time the bubble 1 code completes.
We will use bubble 1 to initialize the variables we will be
using such as timer interval, etc. After it executes we
want to go unconditionally to bubble 2 where the actual
counting code begins. Note the transition code is
shown. “2:” is the target bubble and “1” the condition.

Now we will program the Always code and logic
sequence bubbles and transitions. After we
complete the task your Logic1 window should look
like this.

First, double click the Always icon in the project
window and enter the code below. Note that it
is generally convenient to declare all of your
program variables (Timer_Interval, Slow etc.) in
the Always bubble. You can use any of these
global variables in a Logic Sequence bubble
without declaring them again. Also remember
that all variables are set to 0 when the
DVC5/7/10 powers up. Therefore, the “if
(Change_Interval = N)” statements will all be
false when the Always bubble executes for the
first time.

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