Setting project properties, Setting the sample rate – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

Page 146

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Chapter 7

Working With Projects

Setting Project Properties

Following the creation of a project, a number of project properties should be checked,
and changed if necessary. This is a great working practice as it will limit any morning
after corrections that will need to be made later, such as sample rate conversions on a
hundred or more audio files! This section outlines the project properties that you
should take into consideration before commencing any work.

Setting the Sample Rate

The project’s sample rate determines the number of samples Logic Express uses for
audio playback. When you add or record audio files to your project, the sample rate of
these files is automatically matched to the project sample rate.


The “Convert audio file sample rate when importing” project setting must

be active for automatic sample rate matching. You can turn on this setting in the File >
Projects Settings > Assets pane.

To set the project sample rate, do one of the following:


Choose File > Project Settings > Audio (or use the Open Audio Project Settings key
command), then choose the desired sample rate in the Sample Rate menu.


Click the Sample Rate display in the Transport bar, then choose the desired sample rate
from the pop-up menu.

Note: If your Transport bar does not include the Sample Rate display, Control-click on it
and choose Customize Transport Bar in the pop-up menu. Turn on the Sample Rate or
Punch Locators checkbox in the Customize Transport Bar dialog.

You may find that audio files in your project do not match the newly selected sample
rate. The playback of files that do not match the project’s sample rate is slower (file’s
sample rate is higher) or faster (file’s sample rate is lower) than it should be.
