Assigning tracks to environment objects – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

Page 202

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Chapter 9

Working With Tracks

 If you want to use a track for MIDI region recording or playback (via a MIDI sound

generator), choose a MIDI Instr. > Model/Instrument name channel strip as the track

To globally reassign multiple tracks that share a channel strip destination:


Hold down Option when reassigning a track channel strip, then confirm the dialog by
clicking the Reassign All Tracks button.

The new track destination (reassigned channel strip) will be used for every track that
shared the original track destination in the current project (including tracks in folders).
As an example:

 Tracks 1 to 4 are assigned to instrument channel 6.
 You Option-reassign one of these tracks to instrument channel 15.
 Tracks 1 to 4 will be reassigned to instrument channel 15.

Assigning Tracks to Environment Objects

Strictly speaking, tracks don’t need to be routed to an instrument or audio channel
strip, as you can assign any Environment object as the track destination. The track
data could conceivably be sent to a fader object, or directly to a MIDI port, as

Environment objects are software representations of individual data processing
elements. As examples of Environment objects; arpeggiators, knobs, faders, chord
memorizers, channel splitters, and many more. These individual objects can be
connected with each other, using virtual cables. The end result of cabling multiple
objects is real time processing and manipulation of MIDI (and some audio) data. This
can be as simple as a fader to control the volume of a connected MIDI synthesizer, or
a complex rhythm generator or step sequencer—which exists as a virtual machine
within the Environment. This machine can be called into service whenever you need
it. (For more information, see Chapter 38, “

Working in the Environment

,” on

page 875.)

Obviously, audio signals would not be understood by a MIDI sound module, so there
is no point in routing a track that contains audio regions to an instrument channel
strip, or vice-versa.
