A quick mixer and channel strip primer – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

Page 216

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Chapter 10

Working With Instruments and Effects

A Quick Mixer and Channel Strip Primer

Before discussing the use of plug-ins, a basic understanding of some key channel strip
functions is required. Full details on all channel strip and Mixer functions can be found
in Chapter 25, “


,” on page 571.

The Mixer and Arrange channel strips deal with audio and instrument (software or
MIDI) tracks shown in the Arrange window, plus auxiliary and output channels. Each
track in the Arrange is represented and controlled by a channel strip. Put another way,
the Arrange tracks are routed to specific channel strips:

 Audio channel strips control audio tracks.
 Instrument channels control instrument tracks (software instrument plug-ins are

inserted into the Instrument slot of instrument channels).

 External MIDI channels control external MIDI tracks. Data on these tracks is routed to

a MIDI output port and channel, for control of MIDI sound modules and keyboards.
Either the entire instrument or MIDI sub-channels can be represented and controlled.

Mixer channels are generated automatically when you create new audio, instrument, or
external MIDI tracks in the Arrange window.

The Arrange channel strips, shown at the bottom of the Inspector, display the audio or
instrument channel strip of the selected track on the left hand side, and the primary
(first) destination for this channel strip on the right hand side.
