Common environment object parameters – Apple Logic Express 8 User Manual

Page 893

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Chapter 38

Working in the Environment


To cable a group of the same type of object (transformers, faders, and so on) to a
common destination:


Cable one of the source objects to the destination.


Select the destination object and choose Edit > Copy.


Select the other objects that you want to connect to the same destination, and choose
Options > Apply Buffer Template to > Cable(s).

You can copy more complex cabling configurations this way, too. Just ensure that the
type(s) of objects in the group that you wish to copy matches the type(s) of objects in
the group that you apply the buffer template to.

Common Environment Object Parameters

Each Environment object has several parameters that control its operation. These
parameters can be viewed and changed in the Object Parameter box, shown in the
Inspector when an object is selected.

The Object Parameter box also appears in the Arrange window Inspector when you
select a track assigned to the object. These are the same parameters—changes in one
location will be reflected in the other. There is one type of object, however, that differs
slightly in this regard: the audio channel strip.

A cut down Object Parameter box is shown for audio channel strips when displayed in
the Arrange window. The full parameter set for these objects is only available in the
Mixer layer of the Environment window. The differences are as follows:

 Icon checkbox is removed.
 Device menu function is removed (display only).
 Channel is renamed to Type/#: The menu function is removed (display only).
 Show EQs: Removed (always displayed in Arrange channel strips).
 Show Inserts: Removed (always displayed in Arrange channel strips).

Object Parameter box
